InDesign took 15 minutes to open?
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- 13 Responses
- bainbridge
My computer has been slower lately, but not that slow and things are working alright. But InDesign wouldn't open today, so I restarted my iMac and it took 15 minutes to open and load.
Is this a RAM issue?
- ETM0
Mac or PC would help. Could be a corrupt config or cache file. Could be a driver issue. Could be a disk about to fail and needing to be read/written multiple times to accomplish mundane tasks. Could be almost anything.
Could just be Adobe sucks.
- monNom0
Could be ram - can you see RAM usage by application somewhere to see if something else is taking it all? (ahem, google chrome)
Could be hard-drive - do you regularly defrag? Is it almost full?
Could be a million fonts all trying to load at once.
- Gnash0
1. Quit InDesign, then relaunch the application and immediately hold down the following key combinations for your OS:
Windows: CTL+ALT+Shift
2. A dialog appears, asking “Delete InDesign Preference Files?” Click Yes.The preference files will be re-created, and InDesign will relaunch with the default settings.
- bainbridge0
Duh, you guys are right, I have 4,000 fonts activated in FontExplorer. A month ago I deactivated 99% of them and it made my computer faster, but now it's activating them again?
Does FontExplorer randomly activate 1,000s of fonts?
- If it needs them it will.
Are you designing a Uniden corporate operational manual?meffid - not on it's own. it's possible to click the wrong box and activate all but you should get an "are u sure you want to activate 4000 fonts..." dialogue firstGnash
- I don't think I've opened FontExplorer in weeks.bainbridge
- i have approx 1000 fonts activated in FE and no probe starting up InDGnash
- Latest font explorer much better now. Actually recognises and switches off fonts in El capitan. Indesign running much faster for me.JerseyRaindog
- ^ good to knowGnash
- If it needs them it will.
- MrT0
I had a similar problem and this thread helped, specifically #10.
- yupGnash
- Thanks. Can't find a "/Contents/Helpers/" folder though.bainbridge
- ArmandoEstrada0
Let me guess, you have a spinning drive? Sounds like drive failure. Get a SSD.
- transmission0
I just put two SSDs in my mac book pro and now it boots up in under 30 seconds...compared to 3min.apps open crazy fast.
i highly recommend the upgrade!
- bainbridge0
This has happened before than FontExplorer randomly activates most of my fonts. Maybe I should get different font management software.
- doesnotexist0
anyone else having this problem with indd cc? fahck
- cbass990
This should go in the Useful Thread. Nice post.
- doesnotexist0
fixed, the file handling / recent items brought it back to life
- Explain?********
- up a few posts, what wagshaft suggested. indd was taking AGES to open then being a bitch when it finally did.doesnotexist
- Explain?
- doesnotexist0
illustrator was recently doing this to me as well—i trashed the preferences and opened font book (i think there were font things happening?) and seems to be ok again.