Consultant ?!uestion
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- bklyndroobeki
Under what circumstances would you agree to a Client totally owning your designs? Possibly even owning inventions that you'd make independently of them (or at another agency?)
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- bklyndroobeki0
With non-compete icing, for an undeterminable amount of hours (and no amt. of hours promised)
- Gnash2
there is only one circumstance -- boatloads of money.
- formed1
Never. Never been asked, though. Once you explain they have unlimited usage, they always just say "ah, ok". And that' it. Every contract explicitly outlines this, so there's no confusion.
If a company asked, I'd want a clear explanation of why. Then I'd need to know how they could limit your usage for portfolio stuff. If they limited these items, then I'd explain that decreases the value to you, and charge more.
I have seen some (misguided) articles advising every client to ask to own the logo, etc. I am sure there's a horror story or two out there about the graphic person holding things hostage and I'd expect some story like that from a client if they were asking.
(I think we really need specific details to say anything else)
- thanks formed this was really helpful. i appreciate this.bklyndroobeki
- bklyndroobeki0
I politely declined the agreement, and decided to not work with the agency (going w/ my gut); guy flew off the handle in an email.
Our original contract states that we both have rights to the work. Overnight they sent me a new contract after our 3rd Round, and things were looking really great.