Ash vs Evil Dead
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- 18 Responses
- i_monk0
The showrunner has left:
- Damn, totally called out another producer.DRIFTMONKEY
- S2 did finish really weird leaving with a huh? Makes sense now why it was weird. i much prefer this guys to setup S3********
- i_monk-1
This season was kind of crap.
- Christian0
- <----- My face watching the trailer.DRIFTMONKEY
- ^ hahamoldero
- i_monk2
Just caught up to ep 3. The juttering effect for the demon Eligos was great.
- necromation0
This could be one of the greatest TV shows ever... just saying!
- can't wait!cruddlebub
- Appropriate user name is appropriate.i_monk
- You can tell i'm a fan huh ;)necromation
- elahon0
Any places streaming it yet? Not on Amazon. Didn't check Hulu yet.
- cruddlebub1
now this is my kind of tv series!
Good stuff. They got the tone right. Ash is still a lovable ass hole. No "S" Mart was weird. I liked the featurette afterwards too that talked about practical effects.
- sarahfailin1
He is looking like Mitt Romney in the still for that youtube vid.
- ********2
seasons 1 & 2 were entertaining to watch, I still want more :)
- mugwart0
"Never mention arseholes around me again"
- yuekit1
Anyone watch this? I thought they pretty much nailed it with the first episode...great humor and surprising amount of gore for TV.
It's like a TV version of Army of Darkness...awesome
- GeorgesII0
it's was well made, I had to nope out a couple time
- cruddlebub0
i'll have to get this on download
- dopepope0
Really silly. Just like part 2 and Army. Gotta love Ash. Loved the bit with the little doll.