Richard Prince & IG Show
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What do you think about Prince's show? -
Pretty crazy - 90K a piece.
- pango0
Lazy troll art.
- ********0
It's sad that he's a "legitimate artist".
- uan2
it's good I think. He obviously looks for the provocation and raising questions about property. He has been doing this since ever.
He has the name, the fame to be worth 90K in the art world. really would be interesting to see if some of the 'victims' sue him, but most probably it would be to expensive, so the idea of property is reduced to financial power. and this is an interesting twist.
also, some may not sue him because they feel flattered by 'the artists' choice, so narcissism is the theme, and others may just not give a fuck about it.
I bet he chose his 'victims' with precise care.
- chrisRG2
Does anyone know which Forever 21 art is she talking about?
"If I had a nickel for every time someone used our images without our permission in a commercial endeavour I’d be able to spend $90,000 on art. I was once really annoyed by Forever 21 selling shirts with our slightly altered images on them, but an artist?"
- georgesIII0
no no, you need talent to be famous and make money...
not connections......
- detritus0
Good for him. Good for her.
A curse on the overmonied fuckwit who paid $90k on that, the money-meddling cunt.
- mekk0
Richard Prince didn't thought to himself one day "oh, that's nice, I make a screenshot and sell it for 90K"
He wanted to create a controversial installation about copyrights in the digital space and how we give away our rights by carelessly uploading our personal stuff. The whole "90k" thing might be fake to create buzz.
A huge lawsuit, taken place in mass media, would be the absolute final success for him.
- doesnotexist0
if you don't know richard's work you won't get it
- ..or you could read all the media coverage today and pretend you 'get it', of course.detritus
- of course! YES, of course.doesnotexist
- formed1
It is about money, sadly. That's where the intellectual/interesting part falters, imho. Sure, it is making people talk, but not in a good way. We aren't discussing the public display of personal lives, we are talking about how ridiculous this chump is and how ridiculous people are paying $90k+ for. It makes a mockery of "art".
I hope Instagram sues him. That would make a difference.
Probably would help him, though, and make the pieces skyrocket in value.
I would like to see someone sue him, though, and win. They should at least be able to take the money/profits away. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a few law firms looking into some class action suit.
- while most artists and designers remain poor I am really happy for those very few who can make a lot with their art.mekk
- If it was pure creativity, like Richard Serra or Gerhard Richter, then I agree, worth whatever the can get, but this isn't more than sensationalism.formed
- It just dilutes it and makes it about "money", not about "art" or even a discussion of privacy/online/whate...formed
- I should note...from a business perspective, I've got respect, but not from an artist perspectiveformed
- a creative way to create a sensation :)mekk
- Richard Serra is pure creativity?********
- doesnotexist0
money isn't sad
- instrmntl0
You wanna buy some ignorant art? Ten
Ignorant art?BASQUIAT
Yeah... Like – stupid, ridiculous, crummy
Ohhh. That's new. That sounds good.BASQUIAT
Ten bucks apiece.ANDY WARHOL
I can give you five. You didn't do very
much to these.BASQUIAT
You don't even work on your stuff!BRUNO
It doesn't matter how much you worked on
them. It matters how much you can get for
Shut up, Bruno, none of this concerns you.detritus