Portfolio Critique
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- Last post
- 10 Responses
- utopian0
Why use a generic template/theme?
I feel that it dilutes your work.- I had to get something up quickly, but that is a fair point and perhaps reason to get something bespoke made.
What do you think of the work please?Kiko - Your work looks fine, it's just that the theme makes it look less impressive.utopian
- Noted thanksKiko
- Yes, presentation.bainbridge
- I had to get something up quickly, but that is a fair point and perhaps reason to get something bespoke made.
- Bluejam2
you have some really nice work there.
my only comment would be to maybe start with displaying some of the creative (on the detail pages) first and break up the project descriptions into smaller paragraphs interspersed between the creative - bit like what these guys do http://beta.rallyinteractive.com…good stuff
:-)- Thank you. Not sure I have that level of control on carbonnade, but smaller text is indeed necessary, of I can just put it in a JPEG instead.Kiko
- ********0
I have a question. What is feeding the lampry? What is that goo?
- *lamprey********
- He is sucking up knowledge from humans across the world and storing it in the cartoon universe ( Tooniverse ).
The goo is knowledgeKiko - Is he evil or good?********
- Defo Evil, He is one of Dr Thiiks creationsKiko
- In fact I don't this he's evil, but just dumb and does what he's controlled to do by the DrKiko
- *lamprey
- ********0
I think that quote about our ancestors and tools is a bit wanky but other than that the site looks really good. Nice and clean. Nice work too.
I agree you should use some nicer ipad templates, those big shiny black ones look really dated.
One small thing that bugged me is the alignment of your title at the top here... I know it's centre aligned but I think it should align with the text below it.
Nice work
- Thank you Set, ok Ill need more people to tell me that phrase is wanky before I lose it as Ive been using it for ages ( it is a bit wanky though ) :)Kiko
- Im using carbonnade to build my folio and theres really little you can modify, otherwise that alignment would have been gone!Kiko
- Think I agree with set on the quote, could it be something that focuses more on design rather than "evolution".Bilious_Fog
- ok ok, quote is going :(Kiko
- ********0
Sorry but link did not work for me. I'm on an android handset.
- monNom0
Is this intended for prospective clients? or employers?
I think your role in some of the work could be clearer.. The character stuff is really sharp, but how much of that is your direction vs a talented illustrator... It's not immediately obvious when you're looking at the screens -- A bit of descriptive text for each would be great to add a bit of context.
The shoppa presentation is much stronger than the PaperFold. Suggest you redo paperfold in a similar format. Some of the screens on Paperfold are a bit busy, maybe simplify so you can focus on the details/craftsmanship more.
- Kiko1
- Bilious_Fog0
I think the image you're using for Shopa could be stonger, it looks a bit disconnected from the work you've actually done for the website. Nice work though!
- Kiko0
Done some changes that you guys mentioned and added some new work plus screens etc.
Any feedback welcome: