printing pictures online
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- 6 Responses
- letterhead0
I use with no complaints. Fast, easy, cost effective and great quality.
- formed0
Cco is good for the money, and can be ok if you have someone there that knows what they are doing and managing the colors. Cost can't be beat.
However, I printed a few images (large, 30") at a few different places to compare and CCo was down at the bottom for quality (colors).
That said, I am pretty picky and spent a decent amount of $$ to print large formats of the same things just to to compare. I'll never print at CCo again, though, unless its something I dont' really care about (too hit/miss).
- benfal990
it's impossible to print pictures online. 'Online' is something virtual, it don't exist. You need a printer.
- nb0
What I do is lay out all my images on a 24" x 36" file and then print at Costco and cut them myself. Costco's large format printing is very good for cheap. All of their regular size prints are shit.
- formed0 does a pretty good job
Adorama pics isn't bad
For my personal work, I prefer a local printing shop. Much more expensive than either of the above, but I've compared and consistently better. ProDPI is pretty good, though.
- ********0
- fourth
I want to print a bunch of pictures (in random sizes) to hang in frames... whats a good place to get them printed?
I checked costco but it seems to be good for only standard sizes...