Editor's choice suggestions
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- 11 Responses
- Anders
- ********0
some blog
- utopian0
Unfortunately, I do not feel that there is anything out there that is either creative or worthy enough for the Editor's choice. Nothing but blogs, templates and social media websites created in Drupal. The Web is almost as dead as music but more alive then The Walking Dead on AMC.
- ********0
- gramme0
Yeah. Nothing seems to have that cinematic experience anymore. What gives? My innocence?
- neue75_bold0
- http://www.thisiscol…
probably the only things I look at regularly on the internetneue75_bold
- http://www.thisiscol…
- Nutter0
I had a good laugh when I saw (must see gallery of the year) http://www.howlowcanyourlogo.com… - the deadline is tomorrow though so might be a bit late.
- neue75_bold0
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