NYC Video Editing Suite Rental
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- 13 Responses
- ********1
filming or taping?
- romyjoy-1
get in touch, i have a great editing suite for a reasonable fee.
- Gordy220
Cheers all.
I just googled the 1133 Broadway address above and this thread already came up; madness.
- Gordy220
We'll have already done the filming - just need a place to do the editing
- utopian0
Try here, they are pretty reasonable:…
- ********0
Ask Douglas.
- ********0
I used to use a small shop in 1133 Broadway but forgot the contact.
- linearch0
can you be more specific on what you need? avid decks, final cut suites, etc
- honestly0
the logo formerly known as the symbol formerly known as prince
- Gordy220
It doesn't need to be all that high end. Its only for an internal video.
We'd need a machine with Premiere pro Cs3 or later if possible.
As loathed to say this, a PC preferably but can use Mac...