Britain from above
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- 12 Responses
- Dancer0
Saw an ad for this last week.
Hopefully it will be good – Looks very interesting
- 23kon0
the advert i saw for this wasnt as good as this one.
when i initially heard of the program, i didnt think it was going to have much of a wow factor as it just looked like theprogram was some dude going up in gliders / helicopters etc and filming what he was seeing. something weve all seen a million times and not very impressive - also with there being such a thing as Google Maps and Google earth, we've all seen our towns and cities from above anyway.
but from what that ad above shows, looks like it could be some good shit
- ********0
- locustsloth0
Wow, that's crazy. i'd like to see that done for LA or NYC
- jaylarson0
*waves at sky
whats next.... tracking britain dumps(shits)... scary
- doesnotexist0
very cool, kind of puts this global warming thing in a little better perspective seeing all the planes and taxis everywhere.
- ********0
Leave Britnay alone!
- _niko0
fucking amazing!
- Gucci0
and useful information to be sure.look for those visuals (or their style, anyway) to be played out in a million different commercials in the coming year.
- omgitsacamera0
its taking forever to load on my end.
- no, i'm not downloading porn.omgitsacamera
- yes you are!slappy
- ok, i am. from ismith's server.omgitsacamera