In a real bind...
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- Invalid
Am extremely un-happy in my current job and looking to move on to something completely different.Problem: It's been a few years since I've updated my portfolio and have done a huge amount of work in that time.
It's taking forever to update, I have very little motivation as a result of being in a job I deslike for too long and am extremely depressed in regards to my career as a result.
I guess there is not a lot I can do but knuckle down and put a kick-ass portfolio together...
- Invalid0
Forgot to add that all the jobs I feel are perfect for me, are passing me buy in the time it time it takes me to update my work.
it's not a good feeling.
- Point50
sounds like you just need to kick yourself in the ass and put your shit together. pull it together man! I'd like to bitch and moan a bit as well but fuck it, I've dug my own hole and I'd bore the shit out of everyone here.
Now get that book together and let us see it so we have something to peck at.
- ukit0
Hire someone to do it.
- Complexfruit0
Ask for some time off at your current job?
- forcetwelve0
just keep your folio short and send it out to the jobs you see happening. if they like you they'll ask for a full folio. it'll buy you some time.
"for a full folio contact...etc etc"
- monNom0
stage it out.
1. Quick and dirty pdf or 1page portfolio. get the work up there and don't worry so much about any extra styling or weeding out the so-so stuff, just get it up. Get cracking on sending that out now.
2. refine the presentation of work, weed out the less-awsome projects and write up some text detailing the concept, constraints and solutions you developed in your work. And if need be your role in the team. Keeps sending this link to jobs.
3. Now that you have your content in good shape. If you don't have a new job yet, start thinking about novel ways to present it that are going to turn heads... chances are you won't need to but it's a good exercise.
- meffid0
A QBN feature and wouldn't have taken long to make. The work on the other hand....
- MrOneHundred0
There will always be jobs out there. Quit thinking they are passing you by – you sound like me, ffs!
- Invalid0
All good advice
- jfletcher0
I've been in the same situation, just completely demotivated. It's not easy. I agree with monNom, especially on the weed out part. Get your top 5 things up in a very simple page, then work from there.
There are always good design jobs, you just have to find them, and sometimes be patient. Hang in there. I was unemployed for 8 months. Then when I finally did get a job I had to move to LA and sleep on a floor... but those times were some of the best.
Touch times really make you love it more when you nail a good job!
- threadpost0
come on mate, with 10 solid days you could have a portfolio to rival any in the world. just buckle down and do it, you'll be so much happier in the long run. I speak from experience here, I was totally in your situation not long ago and now I can't for the life of me think why I didnt do it sooner. Double the money, and exponentially happier in what Im doing day to day.
do it! and lets see the results!
- ian0
You just need to get away from your current job. As someone already suggested, take a few days off work, concentrate on the folio and get your shit together. you can do it! I feel this may be pertinent here.