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Before you forgot, you emailed me about the thread you wanted to start. It WAS about anal bleaching.
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I read a huge chunk of the Illuminatus! trilogy last night and then dreamt intensely of conspiracy theories all night. I woke up very dislocated from reality.
I know this has nothng to do with anything, but I feel compelled to pull this thread back from the brink, so to speak, of anal bleaching as I feel certain it is not what C was going to post about.
For a start, I'm not sure how much appeal the act of anal bleaching holds for somebody who is black, but aside from that it just doesn't seem like his cup of tea somehow.
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- creative-0
Not really my cup of tea at all though the thought of it is at least distracting me from my continued hangover.
- creative-0
- That's right, it's made of meatcreative-
- nah its noticing the pattern is the same on all 3drgs
- canadian baby seal??edd-e
- LOL@ Drgs for spotting fake meat.Spookytim
- nah... it's real. just 3 pics of the same case.Amicus
- on the internet no one can hear your sarcasm :(Amicus
- unicorn meat and ground up horn with a glaze of its tears.74LEO
- fucking meat********
- dang, what will those asians come up with next?********