Stick Figure on a Sled
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- 14 Responses
- k0na_an0k0
dude, my little guy gets going so fast everytime he lands he smashes himself against the sled and fall off.
- kyl30
stick figures on a mothafuckin' plane!
- Redmond0
That's amazing! :]
- Baskerville0
just when I thought I was getting creative with it, I watch that video!
the gravity on it is great
- -_MU_-0
yeah, i been on this badboy for a week now. It's only beta, looking forward to the 1.0 version - check out the Kinetics video on you tube, it's the dogs.
- ********0
- nocomply0
Yeah needs track sharing.
also an eraser tool would be extremely useful
- ********0
i had some amazing tracks saved, unfortunately you cannot share them.. he should add that feature!
- lvl_130
a bezier curve would be amazing. think of the loops and jumps!
- ********0
hahahahahahaha i just drew a loop and it killed the poor fucker!! hahaha this is fucking great.
- blaw0
that is a freakin' great link.
- nocomply0
this is SO fun!
saving my sanity today.
- lvl_130
those videos are fucking awesome. played around with it first and never thought about doing something crazy like that.
- johnnyonthespot0
- TenaciousG…
Draw a line, then a little man on a sled goes flying down the line you drew.
The YouTube videos are insane: