Aural ecstacy
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- 20 Responses
- valentim0
sony ericssson w800i with the best in ear hearphones that money can buy!
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i'm not at all keen on plastic streamlined speakers.
Speaker design should the best minimal design in the world. Heard, but not "seen".
- acescence0
I want these
(Mar 10 06, 05:18)i have their little cousins, i love them. it's the surroundless kevlar mid driver, amazing midrange detail.
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- kelpie0
who's Detroit and who's Chicago there?
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- kelpie0
now thats a cab, dude
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- Mal0
haha nice!
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Sorry Mal, but I wouldn't let them in my house. Looks like Prince's footware.
- Mal0
I want these…
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Harmon Kardon power amp
Nakamichi tuner
Sony DVD PS2
Boston Accustics Floor speakers
Bose surround sound
Lazer lights
Black Lights
Traffic Lights
Strobe lights
Smokers Lounge
Love Making couch
Get Naked Shower Sex
Optimus Glow In the Dark Ceiling Speakers
- fifty500
I rock out with my cock out.
Nothing more nothing less.I also play a mean air guitar.
- kelpie0
you won't appreciate this moth, but some old Ritchie Hawtin on a 5-10 grand stereo you are 'totaly going to buy one day' sounds fucking cool ;)
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you like that too huh kelpie?
it's been a long while since I shopped for stereo.
- kelpie0
[leading on from moths comment] :/
- kelpie0
... for an entire afternoon, with loads of alternatives and some great choons. I sometimes do that just cos its fun.
- acescence0
some of these some of these
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8 speakers doesn't make it good.
First advice, stay clear of Sony, and stay clear of off-the-shelf 5.1 kits because they are terrible.
I would go to a proper HiFi shop and tell them what you want and have them set up a demo.
- lambsy
i need a LOUD stereo.
i got a sony 5.1 home theater system in my office, but it doesn't get anywhere close to making my ears bleed.
i was gonna get a high powered receiver, but most only have 2 speaker hookups in the back. i wanna hook up like 8 speakers.
what do you dudes rock out with?