Living Space
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- Last post
- 23 Responses
- usrper0
anywhere in the world?
- BonSeff0
like over there?
- BonSeff0
the mountains are nice
- stevii0
Anywhere in the world in particular?
- ********0
i'm moving out of my ol apartment in june, you can have that for 500 a month till sep.
oh, and it's in reykjavik
- usrper0
no, thhhatt place is better, imo
- usrper0
500 US? tahts quite cheap considering you pay 30 bucks for a cd.
- BonSeff0
you can kick it in my truck when im not driving it
- ********0
i know, but i'm stuck with it because i'm moving into my new place long before the contract runs out
- ********0
Bon what about weekends only? how much?
- BonSeff0
45 7 bucks
- ********0
is that 45 a month and 7 for weekends only.. ?
- BonSeff0
um 45 a night and get yer ass outta my truck before 7 am
- ********0
better drive a H2 for that price
- BonSeff0
but seriously, to the original poster, there are hotel suites around big cities that you can rent by the week that would fit your budget.
- TenaciousG0
For the record, I am embarrassed, and I am looking in NYC!
- usrper0
where you interning, if i may ask
- TenaciousG0
Newsweek. I will be an arts/entertainment/famous people reporter...
- usrper0
oh, didn't you made a post about this earlier?
- TenaciousG0
Yeah. The preliminary introduction...