Kanye Grammy Grab
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- 43 Responses
- ********0
how is he over-rated?
his production is always on point, and his rhymes are honest. imo of course...
- mr_snuggles0
what dobs said.
- mrdobolina0
honkeys did alot for hiphop, without them theindustry wouldnt have a tenth of the sales they do now, thus the distribution wouldnt be as large. thus you would hear less. granted it would probably be alot better, but you see what Im saying.
- mrdobolina0
what does he do differently? not much. Just what I think nick, thats it.
- BonSeff0
everybody knows marty mcfly went back in time and started the rock movement at the high school dance and chuck berry's cousin rippped it.
- prophet0NE0
wow, this thread went from neato opinions to race issues, etc...
well, the point of the thread was here is a guy who is receiving all this praise and profit - albeit from a fake plastic awards show and other media - and has openly admitted to stealing creative work from another 'artist' for himself.
factor this with the fact that a number of other hiphop producers like premier could eat this guy alive in the creative production dept.
it just seems like another setback for real hiphop. but maybe not cause who really cares(?) what they say...
i guess i just got the 'no' feeling about it and wanted to hear what y'all thought. good responses though.
- ********0
uh - this has nothing to do with race.
- aliendn0
dont turn it into a color issue, that's stupid, and i say that as a colored person
i do agree that there is a tendency in the media to do such things....but my comments on kanye personally stem from a love of a musical perspective...he's getting credit that a lot of others deserve
i think elvis is a ripper too, but there are other artist that got "inspired" from such blues musiicians as well and did a good job of it. even hip hop in its beginnings took samples from rock. and krs one said something insightful as the japanese are as much responsible for hip hop as if they hadn't produced those turntables (an essential element) well u know....so i got no problems about people getting inspired from other musicians as long as they give them props, i dont think elvis was one of those people that did...it would be stupid for me to say coltrane was a rip off of east indian music cause he explored those type or rhythms in his experiments of music...so that's all im saying
anyhow im arguing a slew of unrelated points, i'l shut up.
- ********0
thats fair i guess. i still dig him :)
- mr_snuggles0
I don't dislike him, I think he's got skills and it's also not like this doesn't happen all the time, so whatever, I don't care about awards..
- prophet0NE0
I realize not a whole lotta NTers care about hiphop but it strikes a chord with me. Before I read the Scratch interview I had some respect for his production because he has re-kindled some of that early 90's hiphop sound and made it mainstream again.
Back then, hiphop was coming into its own and guys like Pete Rock, Native Tongues, Premier, Hieroglyphics, Diamond D, LONS, LOTU, Masta Ace, Pharcyde, etc. were crafting the sound that I hold close to my heart (in a non-ghay way). And Kanye's stuff has caught a spark of some of that and he packaged it in a way that snuck it back onto the mainstream radio. So good for him, right?
But it just seems for me that this gets overshadowed by his disrespect for other artists and his attitude as if he deserves the production praise more than guys like Premier or Madlib do.
I guess who cares what the Grammys say, but it's like the crap train is never gonna stop. I mean Usher, best (hiphop)album/record of the year?... like gag me with a spoon man.
- ********0
i figured since the grammy's is shuch a big award show, w/ a generally white audience, ie the stars, hiphop wouldnt mean so much, and i doubt their council looks deeply into hiphop.
so to say, money is what gets you a grammy, now consider the fact that kanye fucked w/ every hot rapper damn near.
whatever tho
i dont see him as a stellar rapper/producer, cause he's not thee best rapper out, he's not even close, and to me, if you make beats, you should be a super rapper, point blank...but anyway, he's no different then pharrell or liljon
they come a dime a dozen.
but rapper/producers are just now getting light...
- mr_snuggles0
I think there are a lot of standouts around today. Madvillainy was just one of the many great lp's to drop over the past 2 years, that have brought back some of the old school and early 90's values and inventiveness.
I think a lot of us that grew up during the golden era have become jaded bitter-cynics when it comes to the new artists emerging from the "underground" of the mid-late '90's. I've always tried to keep my ear to the ground for hot new shit and I haven't been disappointed in the quality of hip hop for at least the past 8 years.
Hip hop has branched out into to so many sub-categories and styles, it's a music form that has truly evolved incredibly since it's beginnings. It's unfortunate because there are so many ignorant listeners out there that don't bother to dig for new sounds. And a lot that just don't consider some of these new sounds and forms as legitimate hip hop music.
But then again, I'm a nearing 30 year old white guy, so what do I really know?!?
- zanetate0
Kanye deserves it. He's a damn good producer, and a good MC too. (I mean, Through the Wire was literally through the wire.) And he puts out a positive message. We need recognition of that, when you hear so much meaningless Crunk all the time.
By the way, I think Usher deserves it too. He's a good R&B singer and will probably be around for a while. He just needs to stay away from Lil Jon.
- hiphoprelic0
It's good to see someone with style and truth in word get recognized in hip-hop, especially in a time when Lil John and bling this and I'm poppin' crys that lyrics are mucking up the air waves.
- pylbug0
Kanye's not the first person to speed up his samples, nor is he the first producer to bite other artists' work. Then again, the Grammy Awards have never been revolutionary either; it's an elaborate display of the music industry patting itself on the back. Kanye is too full of himself to keep my interest, and his production is recognized for the way it sells, not the way it sounds.
- brandelec0
weak rhymes
okay beatsnext
- prophet0NE0
i agree - your on point son.
well except for the beatmakers should be sharp emcees part.
i mean premier is the primo example of 'i don't give a shit about his mc skills' because always comes correct. i mean anyone who appreciates hiphop's architects knows he helped build the damn cathedral.
you're right though, nowadays, dime a dozen with a few standouts. for me, madvillainy was the year's standout lp. it's one of those rare 'what the hell is this?', at first, then you listen again and again. eventually, you can listen to it front to back and never feel bored with it. that's a special feeling all the groovy kids can get with.
- aliendn0
i guess they need more chipmunk soul choruses even though they've been done for a while now...but i did dig what he did with alicia key's you dont know by name, that was done well
- ********0
i said rapper/producer
not producer,
primo doesnt rap, so he's not a rapper/producer
kanye raps and produces, hence rapper/producer
so in that case, he should be super, which he is not
but oh well