Flash this?
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- 22 Responses
- frankNbeans0
Shellie, would you be willing to consider a business relationship?
- shellie0
yup. i use advanced settings a lot to change colors of buttons and such with more control than just color tinting an entire movie clip. saves ksize also since you can use the same button or picture many times but they look different.
- jpea0
sorry kids.
http://containedenvironment.com/…seemed have forgot it.
you can also just include those actions on a keyframe in the fla instead so it's easier for transport and such (it's not a big file).
- shellie0
youve got a fanclub.
- K_Fresh0
^ Can someone delete this user?
- Abandoned0
Hell I'll shank ya for free
- Abandoned0
fresh your gay and stupid and also very ugly. You should give a crack head a loonie and then let them stab you......that is how you could get that afect....die
- K_Fresh0
haha...I was wondering the same thing. :D
- ible0
hey jpea wheres the cross.as file for the scripted fade?
- ********0
What can also look nice is if you take your image in PS..Duplicate the layer and set layer style to dodge..Then blur both layers and fiddle with the opac a touch to give a nice 'over exposed' blurry look. Then tween this from 100% brightness to none at which point, place the original pic underneath and now fade tween the dodged one from 'none' to 0% alpha..
See as on
- K_Fresh0
Thanks guys! You mofos are quick!
Yeah..it's definitely the if-all-else-fails effect, but it's what the client wants and to see done with their crappy cliche'd stock images. You know..if they paid us more, I'd get more creative. hah.
Thanks Shellie and Shant......I got a good start with the advanced settings...not so bad!
jpea, thanks for the links! Checkin' that out too...so helpful
- Derek20
looks like teknisions work...
- jpea0
no matter what others think about the effect, i think it works well for many fade-sorta transitinos and stuff.. mainly because it work differently depending on the image you use
it's not another 45 degree arrow or diag. line
- Derek20
i would add some 45 degree lines, some paint drips and some nice kerned helly up in that shit.
thow in some pixlel fonts too
- jpea0
not that simple (although not much harder).
you can do it either with penner's tools or as a simple tween.examples:
http://www.containedenvironment.…source: http://www.containedenvironment.…
- shellie0
everyones favourite cop out effect.. FLASH TO WHITE fade in. hah. :*
- Jman0
yeah, the advanced works better than the brightness, as it will affect the colors more. The brightness will basically fade it to white. All the advanced settings need to be high, to get the brightness...add a little more blue, or red or green for desired effect
- shellie0
with advanced settings you can get more of the under exposed image feel tho methinks.
- shant0
I totally beat you to it Shellie.