Notebooks & Coffee
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- bob0
I hear you can submerse a keyboard in distilled water. The water acts and absorbs some of the foreign particles that could not be reached with humans hands....
but I was not about to try this with an entire notebook. I doubt the method would apply.
- unknown0
I spilt a smoothie over my keyboard at work last week - got to it in time tho, now its just festering in there with the chocolate and other shite, I like to 'feed' my keyboard regularly.
- bob0
I keep my cup of coffee, often, in front of me, just before where the notebook begins and between my arms, leaving just enough room to type and rarely bring contact to the cup.
This method works, but then you try to type with one hand and hold a phone in the other, the loose hand can get away from you and come in contact with the cup.
This is what happened to me the other day at Star*ucks. The coffee dripped, as gravity dictates, down through my keyboard and onto the hardware.
I am able to remove the keyboard in my Apple Powerbook G4, but cleaning it up, I could never tell if I got it all.
Whether I did or not, the foreign substance prevented an inverter from functioning and allowing the backlight to do its job.
Luckly I had purchased a 3 year warrenty and all is well 4 days later.