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iPad Pro + Atropad ?
This looks interesting. Anyone using this yet?
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Webhosts 2015
Ive been with my stupid webhost since 2002 or something.
I can't stand them anymore. I need to switch. What does anyone here us…
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iPhone 6s case
Its almost iPhone 6s day (Friday). I think the iPhone 6 style is far too slippery and I'm looking for a case.
What case do you…
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We have a highschool!…
Its Saturday morning, I'm high as fuck, my gf is stil…
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HTML5 Ad Autoplay Video on Mobile
Ive been seeing more HTML5 ad companies adding autoplay videos on mobile to their bag of tricks.
Sizemek Addroid Jivox ect.…
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QBN april 1st wackyness
I this suppose to be an april fools joke?
Please stop. This isn't Yayhooray.
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Computer Color is Broken
I knew of the problem but never understood why.
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What monitor do you use?
I started doing freelance. (Html5 ad stuff). But I feel like I need to invest in a monitor at home. I'm sort of confused at the te…
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WTF Teenage Engineering
Whats the font used on the OP-1?…
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$480 Mechanical keyboard!…
WTF im getting all sucked into this me…
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Anyone mess with pixi.js?
Anyone mess with pixi.js?
The examples look fairly simple? Has anyone used this for anything?
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need the font didot
Im trying to work on a PC and I forgot my fonts at work. Does anyone want to give me the font didot? I will love you forever.
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Nigeria massacre
Man this is so sad. Amnesty International saying as many as 2,000 have been killed.…
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What did you get your GF/BF for Xmas?
I need ideas.
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Someone Find this movie for me!
Tammy and the T-Rex
It looks amazing!
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easy version control
I started working at a small place that doesn't use version control. I'm so uncomfortable working like this and the place is growi…