- benfal99
Top10 torture :D
The 10 Most Gruesome Torture Techniques From Medieval Europe
- -Some people have suffered a lot in history! Woah!
- benfal99
Nokia 130 Dual SIM…
- -
Don't know why but I wou…
- benfal99
Google wants HTTPS
Google Says Website Encryption – Or Lack Thereof – Will Now Influence Search Rankings
- benfal99
Designer's website with a shop
Iam looking for graphic designers, illustrator, photographers and any other creative people who have a 'shop' section on their per…
- benfal99
Aspirin VS cancer
Aspirin could dramatically cut cancer risk, according to biggest study yet.
- benfal99
Your Twitter
link your profile, i want to add some qbners :D
- benfal99
Twitter - Design related
Suggest good twitter accounts to follow related to graphic design, photography, illustration and creation in general. Please.
- benfal99
Need someone chinese
Who can read this and tell me what it means?
- benfal99
Portfolio system...
My english sux from time to time :D and I dont remember how you call that... But iam looking for system to build a portfolio, but…
- benfal99
Needs QBNers participation
Hey, iam launching a project called ''This is us'' where people can share 1 picture with the rest of the World. It have to be a pi…
- benfal99
Web experts in here
I have a questions for you web experts in the QBN.
If I give PSD's with all the layout and design finished to a company and ask…
- benfal99
Mass media dont really talk about it, but thi…
- benfal99
WTF with a challenge
A client gave me this drawing. She traced it over an existing door number and she wants me to create another number but I dont kno…
- benfal99
Facebook down
am i the only one to get this message :
Sorry, something went wrong.
We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can.
- benfal99
HTTPS Everywhere
Google has blocked it from Chrome... Weird. We can no longer use that extension. Anyone have any info about this? Any alternatives…
- benfal99
WTF #0432984 the red boards, WTF is this?
- benfal99
jobs on the web ...
I can't remember the name of that website where creative can look for small freelance jobs posted by people... y'know what iam tal…
- benfal99
Georges, you live in italy, right? Do you live in Napoli? I was in italy last week and i visited Napoli for a day, holy crap that …