- Llyod
4 1/2 years
It has been.
- Llyod
funeral music
what music do you want played at your funeral?
me-see you later aliigator by bill haley and the comets
- Llyod
how much professional experience do you have?
- Llyod
I have none because, let's face it, I'm damn fine as it is. How are you toads trying to improve yourselves?
- Llyod
Changes for 2009
What are they?
I'm planning on moving back to California and getting a job.
- Llyod
getting laid
I'm getting laid tomorrow. I'm going to lean over to the hottest chick at the New Year's party I'm going to and plant one on her a…
- Llyod
2008 in Retrospect
How was it for you? Major events?
- Llyod
Border search
Coming from Canada at the Port Huron border my dad and I were searched. They said it was random but everyone in the waiting room w…
- Llyod
Greetings from Canada
Everyone is friendly here. The weather is pretty much the same as Chicago. That is all.
- Llyod
golf game
an update. much better from the alpha
- Llyod
typing from ipod
and fucking sucks
- Llyod
Apple $$ spent
How much have you spent on Apple products?
$5830 here
- Llyod
who was he?
- Llyod
porno chick
I swear I've seen this chick in pornos
- Llyod
dell forensics
I had a Dell Precision 610 7 years ago. I installed a cracked version of 3D Studio Max. After the install the hard disk would make…
- Llyod
hooray 4 boobies!
one of God's greatest inventions!