- Llyod
Digital graphic arts
How can digital artists cash in? Other than designing for business. Print a la Nopattern doesn't count.
- Llyod
New entertainment blog! Check it out!
- Llyod
time is a one way track
and I'm not coming back.
Call it w/o searching
- Llyod
how is everyone today?
I'm doing fine. You?
- Llyod
unfuck my leg
- Llyod
Last night
I was at a club last night and met a chick. She was weird-looking but I was drunk, so what the he'll. Anyway she ended up blowing …
- Llyod
HTML 5 apps
Are there any 5 apps that visualize animation etc like flash does? and if not, why not?
- Llyod
worst QBNers?
Who are they?
- Llyod
One day left.
- Llyod
Handsome Club
There will be a mixer in mid-June for members and their dates. No outside sausage allowed.
- Llyod
Sing it sister
People think it's so easy
- Llyod
what's the biggest thing that's been in your butt?
A coffee maker.
- Llyod
wedding websites
any good examples?
- Llyod
wedding font
what's a good free wedding website font? something curly and nice.
- Llyod
hi fashion for men
or those who pass for men...let's see some links to online stores.