- K_Fresh
Buying stock image discs..
Hey NT, I'm looking to purchase a couple of stock image discs. You know..with the usual business related themes and whatnot.
- K_Fresh
Standard Freelance Rates?
Hey kids, your opinion, would you say a decent freelance rate would be?
I don't want to rip myself off....but at …
- K_Fresh
Finding freelance in Vancity ?
Hey NTers, I've recently moved to Vancouver and am hungry for work. I have previously worked for an agency, but it looks like the…
- K_Fresh
When to stop...
I'm currently working on a redesign for an agency website. I keep finding myself nitpicking and tweaking everything....I can't st…
- K_Fresh
Easy Flash Question..for real
SO... I'm loading one movie clip ontop of another yet I don't want the buttons in the clip in the lower level to be active.
- K_Fresh
Flash tabIndex help!
I's Monday morning, I don't mean to make your brains work...but...
I'm having trouble with my tabIndex. Here's my cod…
- K_Fresh
180 Solutions
N-case software bullshit. Popups so far up my bumhole.
Can one of you Washingtonians please burn this building to the ground…
- K_Fresh
FileSharing apps
Yeah yeah,,,pay for shit whatever. I know I know.
So..with that out of the way...what do you guys use to download music?
- K_Fresh
<--- R3CON 57OR3
That makes me have a siezure. What the hell is going on. Didn't stick around through all the changing screens long enough to fig…
- K_Fresh
Best way to post my resume?
I want to put my resume on my site..what's the best way? I was kind of thinking which case I'm going to have to ummmm "p…
- K_Fresh
Stupid Hotmail's all different now. Where's the familiarity. I don't wanna use my brain..I just want to see if xjfjdfjdasflkjfGE... e…
- K_Fresh
I think that...
...there should never be the same thread twice. If something was mentioned in August 1999, that different people should not discu…
- K_Fresh
Words. I need a title..a name
I'm a posting maniac today. I need some inspiration. I need to buy my domain name this weekend and I have no idea what I want. …
- K_Fresh
Tiny For for Flash?
So I like this font.…It's all real small like. I don't have many important…
- K_Fresh
Flash Question
So at one time I had some code that allowed java dropdown menus to overlap a Flash movie in a page but can't seem to find it. Can…
- K_Fresh
Lookin for a specific photographer
Hey all...a while ago I came across a post in the PVAN with the site of a particular photographer. He composed shots that consist…
- K_Fresh
Super easy Flash help
Is there an easy way to change the colour of links after a user has already clicked on it? For'll change from pink to…