- K_Fresh
Full screen image
Hey...I'm making a site for a fashion designer that has beautiful photographs. The images are large and I want to have them full …
- K_Fresh
And the album of the day is...
Com Lag by Radiohead. Anyone else listening?
Not the best EP as of late, but it's got a couple standout tracks, namely I Wil…
- K_Fresh
Where can I find...
Some video footage of a flickering TV image? I am recreating the look for a Flash project and I need to see how it works....
- K_Fresh
Flash + Google Images?
I'd like to see examples of Flash using Google to retrieve random images from the net and displaying them in a movie. Has anyone …
- K_Fresh
Vancouver Fashion Schools?
Hey y'all.....I'm looking for a fashion design school in any of you know of any?
I love you.
- K_Fresh
Camouflage EPS? desperate need of a camo pattern for a crappy event flyer I'm doing. I did a search and nothing seems to be online an…
- K_Fresh
Stylish Blank CDs? I had this site bookmarked a while back. It had all kinds of colourful blank CDs and other packaging. Disc5 or some…
- K_Fresh
19 minutes
...for all of us on the West Coasters working back-breakin' 9-5s. Damn I'm tired today and I got handed a shit project. The coun…