- Gabriel
"Everything in the shop is free. All the images can be downloaded to print or use as a desktop. Serving sugg…
- Gabriel
Creative Graphics Art is an international collective centered in daily news about Motion graphics, Animat…
- Gabriel
The graphic works from Julien Pacaud are between collage and soviet like illustrations, plus some beautiful photos.
+ part of institutdrahomira
+ via <a href="http…
- Gabriel
Seven parts of "The Lomo Camera: Shoot From The Hip" BBC's documentary. "BBC Four presents a fascinating insight into the bizarre world of Lomography and the camera that inspired it…
- Gabriel
miami - the friends with you playground opens...
"[...] The dynamic duo of Sam & Tury, aka: FRIENDS WITH YOU have just seen the grand opening of their very own custom-built playground…
- Gabriel
178 lessons about drawing the human body
- Gabriel
A collection of spoof ads some of them more brilliant than the original.
- Gabriel
"The first issue of Iloveyourtshirt TV (french spoken) is now available online through itunes Music Store…
- Gabriel
" [...] The DAILY MONSTER. The goal is to post one new monster every day. Let's see how it goes. I hope this …
- Gabriel
After Effects Updates 7.0.1
It fixes a lot of little things that makes us work hard with no sense on the prior version.
+ MAC Update
+ <a href="" target…
- Gabriel
Short film written & directed by Ruth Meehan
"An old woman negotiates the hectic streets of London, fearful of being knocked over. At a pedestrian crossing her worst fears are realised as she collides …
- Gabriel
Incredible photos at this blog about the restrospetive of Ron Mueck at the Brooklyn Museum.
- Gabriel
The updated site for the AfroSamurai anime is online, new sections with the story or the trailer are now full of i…
- Gabriel
Recreas is a little shop with tees and bags, designed by diferent welll known designers . They products are made by ussing the correct way of not using chilrens at wo…
- Gabriel
This webportal is about point of reference for motiongraphics in Italy, where they supply advises on like…
- Gabriel
Last commercial motion graphics works from Cocoe.
+ Vodafone freestyle
TV ad for Vodafone about the new sport (soccer) channel at Vodafone Live. Done for SCPF Agency.
- Gabriel
Gwon O-Sang's sculptures with photos
"Gwon’s photo-sculptures, which look as if David Hockney’s panorama photo works had been turned into solid, three-dimensional bodies [...] After…
- Gabriel
And... finally, the show begins.
"The latest Bravia TV ad - featuring massive paint explosions - took 10 day…
- Gabriel
Bravia paint behind the scenes
"Buried deep in post production for weeks, Sony BRAVIA's new Paint advert is about to emerge nex…