Time to design website?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • vaxorcist0

    This can be easy or a total nightmare, especially if you have a new client who doesn't understand this is more than a "cut-paste job"

    If it's somebody very flexible and open, you can probably do this in 3 weeks by customizing an e-commerce package you've already worked with before, but if you're up against a "clean sheet" client brainstorm about how to "revolutionize the category" then that should be 6 months, not 3 weeks.... beware of client expectations!

    Schedule time depends a LOT on the client feedback mechanism, and how you handle random ideas and "that's not quite what I was thinking", as well as the client's level of experience and personality and response time.. i.e. within same day or next day or schedule is totally off.

    How you setup initial expectations can control the whole timing and schedule... if you make it clear that 3 weeks is a SHORT schedule, that this would usually take 2 months, you need some modifications of how you do things, i.e. only 1 or 2 initial mockups, and only 1 or 2 revision/correction sessions.

    In order to NOT GET the infamous "that's not quite what I was thinking" moment, you have to have a very clear initial conversation about the clients :

    1. business objectives
    2. target audience
    3. expected results

    once you do that, you clearly explain why you made any aesthetic or technical decision based on your clear understanding of the business objectives, target audience and expected results.... it's not that you're "swatting down the customers ideas" but that you're "trying to stay on track and meet the deadline"

    Also not that 3 weeks is possible only if you're customizing somethiing that already works.... and basically doing ONLY VISUAL tweeks, not concept changes/navigation/etc

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