
Out of context: Reply #67

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  • garbage0

    There are people who have problems, get overwhelmed and kill themselves with no premeditation and leave a family behind, and then there's people who believe in the right to die.

    I'm in the latter category, and will probably off myself before I'm 40, and I don't think it's that big of a deal.

    • just don't, this is way too earlyApeRobot
    • It’s a big deal.monospaced
    • garbage, ...not sure i can argue with you but it would be worth it to speak with someone about it. why do you think you would kill yourself before 40?notype
    • 60's the new 40 anyway_niko
    • I think we're a big cosmic fluke, we shouldn't be here really, but since we are we should enjoy it for as long as we can. This is it, fireflies in the night._niko
    • Before 40? Come on, when you are in the best years of your life? Think it twice, mateOBBTKN
    • Haha, I'm not standing on a precipice or anything, I think you guys are getting the wrong idea. @niko Life is great, but I want to enjoy it for as long..garbage
    • I like. I have no interest in getting old, is all. There's not much activity in the doom and gloom dept here.garbage
    • don't use the word 'there's' w/o placing 'them' in front of itBustySaintClaire
    • jeeze garbage, scared me there for a moment.notype
    • Sorry about that. Yeah, I've got another decade in me, and my mind could change.garbage
    • 40 isn't old, trust me. I hope you change your view. All the best.fadein11
    • fuck, i feel 60 is young. im about half way there now. i gotta whole new lifetime to live..futurefood

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