Hosting 2018

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • 19 Responses
  • spot131

    After 14 years with mt, I've pulled the plug - they've become a horrible company. I've moved primarily to Digital Ocean and have a few EC2 instances on AWS. A bit of a learning curve compared to Plesk but way more powerful and you won't have to deal with notices that your server will be migrated automatically in week like you get with mt.

    • I was even getting a 50% discount on mt from the newstoday discount code from 2004 and it's still not worth itspot13
    • Cloudways->DOArmandoEstrada
    • I'd love to know how much business MT got for that 50% offer - the NT community's not gigantic, but I bet a significant % took it on.
      I know I did...
    • I think we are going to do a test on Cloudways...looks promising.dbloc

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