
Out of context: Reply #67607

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  • mg3340

    Had endoscopic sinus surgery a week ago. Septoplasty, turbinate reduction, and balloon sinuplasty on frontal and maxillary sinuses. Surgery was 90 minutes, no problems, and after a pretty annoying week recovering I'm slowly feeling back to normal. I could only handle taking Tramadol for a pain killer for a few days, it absolutely wiped me out along with an antibiotic. Since Friday I've had a constant headache across my forehead, eye sockets hurt, etc. but the worst pain has been walking outdoors in 30 degree weather. That has been brutal on the incision in my nose, and on my now expanded sinus pathways. Basically like snorting razor blades and dry ice. Feeling a lot better today, getting my energy back, taste is coming back, and I've used my Neti pot and sinus rinse very regularly, so most of the congestion is gone.

    The irony of surgery like this (to end chronic sinus issues) is that the recovery includes the worst aspects of the worst sinus cold you can imagine. Anyone else been through similar?

    P.S. If this post gets 25+ upvotes, I'll contribute photos of the behemoth bloodsnot monster I evacuated from my nose yesterday at work, to the NSFL thread. :D

    • upvotedpockets
    • Damn. Feel better, man.desmo
    • 25+ !! We can do this!pango
    • thats gross, upvoted!BabySnakes
    • 14 to go...oey
    • Upvoted, but I'm not going to check this thread mate, sorryOBBTKN
    • I had surgery to repair a deviated septum for chronic sinusitis when I was 16. That week after sucked, even in balmy San Diego weather. I had plastic splints..nocomply
    • in my nose and I was draining/hacking up bloody mucus. After that things were glories for a few months, then kinda back to normal.nocomply
    • I don't get sinus infections like I used to, but I need to do the neti pot thing daily and I still can't breathe through my nose worth shit.nocomply
    • Sinus problems suck. My doc just says I have "poor plumbing." Wishing you a speedy recovery with better results!nocomply
    • I avoid the NSFL thread like the plague. I've no desire to see a 'behemoth bloodsnot monster'. Yet, I'm somehow tempted to upvote this anyway.Continuity
    • Ah, fuck it. Have an upvote.Continuity
    • why the downvote? just upvote the fucking thing. you don't have to check NSFL. I know I won't ;-)oey
    • My mom just had the same procedure done about 2 weeks ago. Quilting until midnight apparently helps.garbage
    • stopped by the nsfl thread for the first time...and last.. thanks qbnpockets
    • Man you guys sure know how to cheer me up! NSFL WARNING…mg33
    • I was sniffing real savage like, and could feel it slither from my right side maxillary sinus into the back of my throat all in one gulp. It felt amazing.mg33
    • damn man, get well soon! that sounds like pure hell :(lvl_13
    • PS. don't want to see pics of that bloodsnot. post in NSFL thread if you decide to post. -signed all of QBNlvl_13
    • well shit. just read the last line of your post. post away my friend hahaha!lvl_13
    • I also survived septoplasty + turbinate reduction. I share your irony man, but worth it in the long run. Those followup appointments tho!brandonp
    • you lil bitchutopian
    • Mmm... Tramadol.. brings back memoriesfisheye
    • Wait until they pull those squid-like splints out of your nostrils in a week or so. I remember saying "THAT was in there?!"misterhow
    • That was nowhere need NSFL. Quite a nice boogie.Gucci
    • argh!!!! why did I click on the link...whyyy??? haha Feel better!GM278
    • I had a septoplasty about 7 years ago. I remember the pain. Not fun.set
    • nocomply, do you have digestive and/or stomach problems by any chance?set
    • @mg33 feel better soon!Krassy
    • Thanks guys! I got the splints out 48 hours later, fortunately.mg33
    • I was buzzing on my tits on the sofa on co-codomol for two weeksset
    • That Tramadol was too much, but thankfully it didn't make me nauseous. I'd just be sitting looking at my phone one second, and then nodding off the next.mg33

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