mass starvation

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  • mugwart3

    ;-) Become Vegan ;-)

    • waits for abuse!mugwart
    • You can but wait, what with your depeleted energy levels.. ;)
      Just kidding, I've not eaten meat in three days, which is for me quite 'good'
    • Even if you don't go full vegan, if everyone cut out beef that would pretty much solve a huge part of the problemSunSunSun_
    • *none grass-fed beef, you mean.detritus
    • i eat eggs (2 a week) and some organic vegetarian cheese. that's it. thinking in dropping cheese. not starving.oey
    • Are the eggs all the animal protein you eat in a week, oey?OBBTKN
    • Vegan + mollusks.section_014
    • it's against my religion.sted
    • drop cheese for a month or so then checkout the vegan options. Tastes different but surprisingly nice!mugwart
    • Think of one thing you cant live without and give up everything else. Its easier than just given up everything and you enjoy that one thing so much moremugwart
    • vegan cream cheese was quite possibly the most horrid tasting thing I've ever tasted, and whomever is responsible should be water boarded for the crimemonospaced
    • hey OBBTKN, by veggie cheese I don't mean vegan but cheese without animal Rennet.oey
    • eggs and cheese only animal protein. if i go fully vegan i will talk to my doctor to recommend me a good b12 suplement.oey
    • fuck the doctors. Research yourself. good start point is mic the vegan youtube.mugwart
    • wait mugwart. my doctor is a vegetarian himself. and he gives actually good advice.oey
    • but I've known vegans for more than 20 years and they have given me good advice all these years. and thanks for your tip ;)oey
    • your lucky that you have that. Here in London we have shit doctors!mugwart
    • If you do join the kale side ... we could start a vegan thread here and get as many haters as OMG on a Hilary post!mugwart
    • LOL!oey

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