
Out of context: Reply #11

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  • lowimpakt0

    The issue gender definition becomes important to people when how they define themselves is in conflict with or not recognised by wider society.

    if your gender was never in question of course you wouldn't care.

    Also, PonyPony mentioned "LGBTQXYZ123" and how they are "DEMANDING" to be understood.

    Non-binary is about gender has nothing to do with sexuality so trans (T) is probably most relevant from this list.

    but the same point applies. What is wrong with people publicly defining their sexuality?

    One obvious reason why it is useful to know is it allows people to find other people like themselves so maybe they can have friendships, relationships, fall in love or have sex.

    • There is nothing wrong with it as long as you agree that there is nothign wrong with people not participating in their definition.cannonball1978
    • that's a very good question I don't have an answer for but why would you actively choose to define someone by a different gender to their own?lowimpakt
    • i suppose the conflict is that gender is cultural as well as biological and the non-binary person is claiming autonomy over their agenda. people get offendedlowimpakt
    • because it's not the social norm they feel responsible for?lowimpakt
    • I would define them to what they are to me subjectively, irregardless of what they define themselves as sunjectively.cannonball1978
    • As in... they can call themselves whatever they want. And I can call them whatever I want to call them. And I dont give a shit about their feelings.cannonball1978
    • Also... gender labels are not cultural.cannonball1978
    • Also... me not giving a shit about "feelings" steming from misalignment between my terms and their terms does not make me bad, phobic or immoral.cannonball1978
    • Punches for: 'irregardless'Continuity
    • didn't say they were demanding to be 'understood'... but demanding specific pronouns that would be difficult for many to remember...PonyBoy
    • Fair enoughcannonball1978
    • ...or many to care to remember for that matter. Their desire to have friends / sex will be fulfilled whether or not I get the pronoun right.PonyBoy
    • cannonball1978 - gender is culturally defined. gender is not the same as a person's sex or sexuality.lowimpakt
    • Sorry no. I agree it's not the same as sex, but no... it is not culturally defined.cannonball1978
    • It's the dictionary definition of gender "Either of the two sexes, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences"lowimpakt
    • https://en.oxforddic…lowimpakt
    • Ah... maybe semantically it is defined (in terms). But culture does little if anythgin to define the gender you are going to identify with.cannonball1978
    • Let's agree to disagree :) I think culture, society & social norms absolutely define gender(s) & gender roles. These change over time & location so are fluidlowimpakt

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