
Out of context: Reply #65221

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  • rabbit1

    My parents (75) handed me and my sister their will today. I am heartbroken. The reality of looking at this thing after a couple of beers is too much. I put the papers back into the envelope, and sealed it, knowing that the next time I open it what the circumstance will be. I had to muddle the papers up, so mums or dads was not first in the envelope. I can't bear the thought. I am so sad right now. I just had to share with someone. Thanks.

    • There has to be more to this whole thing than just this little time we have.rabbit
    • Then again, no there doesn't.rabbit
    • I dont know what to say rabbit, i sympathize and feel the same. just enjoy while they're there. i try to see my mom as often as i can, 1 or 2 times a monthBennn
    • My folks gave me theirs about 15 years ago after certain events brought everything into (very) sharp focus. Thought nothing more about it until recently...face_melter
    • ...given that i'm now in my 40's and you're supposed to have a handle on all this shit. But you never do :/face_melter
    • heavy man. I feel it.inteliboy
    • So... what do you get?robthelad
    • Geez. My parents (72) did the same a few weeks ago. But I didn't look at it. I don't want to know till I have to.Longcopylover
    • I was sad too. But I just know now that I want to spend more time with them. I look at it as a reminder that I am lucky they are still here.Longcopylover
    • *slap
      Stop chewing snot and man yourself up
    • And I am glad about this reminder. Not everyone gets that.Longcopylover
    • im pretty young for my parents age. My mom is 72 this april. This is an important time for them to prepare - for their family. Dont be sad.shellie
    • If anything, they might have gotten to this in their 50s or 60s and you should consider your own living will now too. My sister died at 40. You never know.shellie
    • But its about being in control of your legacy before an emergency. Really bruv nothing sad about that. Most ppl wait entirely too long and it causes somuch painshellie
    • They did it cos they love their family. A wonderful gift!shellie
    • Its great the Will was handed out before any events. You know what is going to happen - enjoy your time to.mugwart
    • My family were upper class c*nts. They devoured each other to get money when my grand parents died. My parents, whom I don't speak, gave all "my" inheritance tomugwart
    • my sisters, cause they didn't love nor trust me.
      If you have family that you love, make sure they know it. Be honest about everything and embrace every moment
    • Sad as it is, be grateful that you have that emotion as it means love was there.mugwart
    • Damn, guys, some heavy shit! Gonna call my folks right now and appreciate the moments we have. Thanks for the reminder.formed
    • I was recently advised to create my own living trust so when the time comes my mother's assets can roll over seamlessly into mine.sea_sea
    • .. also meant I had to think of my own demise, who the hell is ever ready to do that. :/sea_sea
    • Good on your parents. Stay positive rabbit. My father did not prepare a will and it was a fuckin mess when he passed.bezoar
    • It's definitely the responsible thing to do.sea_sea
    • :(Maaku
    • Wow man. Love ya'll! My peoples are right hererabbit
    • Ok i was mid sentence and editing that and now i sound like an idiot. Who cares. Ha. Thanks guys love ya!rabbit

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