
Out of context: Reply #65044

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  • HijoDMaite3

    scary health rant:

    So I am sitting at my desk at work around 9:30 am today working. (Been at desk since 6:30am) I start to write the word "SEPARATE" with a pencil and suddenly I can only manage to write "SEPARA.." I'm like wtf? I try again and again and I realize that I can't fucking write! I write a couple letters and they are so messy, towards the end of a word my hand just starts to scribble gibberish. I get up nervously and go to the restroom. I take a piss, wash my hands, splash water on my face, blow my nose and compose myself. I go back to my desk and start to write again. Same thing, I cannot even create the letter "E", my hands will not make the horizontal lines to create an "E". I shake my hands, stand up, take a deep breath and try again.
    I try to write my name: "JAVIER" It looks like a fuckin child wrote it and by the time I get to "R" its a fucking mess, total gibberish.

    So of course I go right to Google and type "Not able to write with right hand.." Second hit is, "Can't control handwriting - Neurology..."

    I click and start reading comments about people suddenly losing their motor function to write. Keep reading and I see comments about:
    -Carpal tunnel
    -Seeing a neurologist
    -Something called Focal Hand Dystonia
    -Botox shots
    -and finally "Mini Stroke"


    I go see my manager and close the door and tell her I think I just had a fucking mini stroke!

    She giggles. I'm like No! I'm serious!
    I tell her to give me a piece of paper and a pen and I show her and another girl in there my handwriting. It's a mess. Both of their jaws drop and then I freak out and start fucking getting watery eyed!

    Like WTF is going on?? I Feel fine! But I am starting to feel really nervous. They suggest I call my doctor so I do. I tell the girl at Docs office what is going on and she's like, "how fast can you be here?" -30 minutes.

    Then my manager thinks I shouldn't drive! I will drive you she says. So at this point I do not want to look at Google at all. We drive to my Doctor's office on the other side of town. I go right in, they take my vitals and I am 139/91.

    I say, "that's bad right?" She's like, "well no not really, I've seen worse you're probably just nervous."

    Finally my doc comes in (I just had a physical a week ago) He's like hey what's going on? I say give me a piece of paper and pen so I begin to write and although a bit better it is still a fucked up mess. He says, "slow down, write your name again."
    But I'm like ""This is how fast I write though!" so I try again and slowly start to make the letters and they are messy but readable. At this point he tells me to do all kinds of simple and awkward tests kind of like roadside DUI tests. Touch your nose, touch my finger, follow my finger tip, touch it when it's moving.
    Then sit down, walk towards me on your heels, go back and sit.
    Walk towards me on your tip toes, now sit again. Bring up your palms, separate them, touch your thumbs together, now separate them.

    He asks me if I am stressed. I tell him no more than normal.
    "How much caffeine are you drinking?" -A shit ton!

    After describing him my daily caffeine intake he looks at me and says. Look, you're not having a stroke and you have never had a stroke. You are amped out on Caffeine! Relax and go back to work and back off the caffeine.

    This is my average caffeine intake the last few months.

    Wake up 5:00 AM grind a bunch of fresh Organic coffee from Costco.
    Fill the coffee maker to six cups of water.
    BTW the I grind it so fucking long it looks like dust, so it's basically espresso.
    Fill two coffee tumblers with the coffee and add half & half, plus sugar.
    Get on the road by 5:40 am drink one tumbler before I walk in office. By 7:30 AM I am done with the second tumbler.
    I go get another cup of "latte" from the machine in the break room.
    Few hours later I'm on my first diet coke of the day. Then, for lunch another diet coke or sometimes regular coke.
    Then in afternoon I go downstairs and chill in the engineering dept and drink a cup of their nasty "shop" coffee.
    Go home and sometimes drink another coke for dinner and then possibly make another big ass pot of coffee if I have photos to edit that night. Sometimes I'll stop at a Vietnamese restaurant and get a Vietnamese iced coffee to go.

    So basically I OD'd on caffeine!! On top of this I haven't quit smoking like I was suppose to, so I'm putting down close to a pack a day of Camel 99s! Also gained about 15 lbs since I did the half marathon last June.


    Wake up call man. This is what happens when a 41 year old stoner, druggy, boozer of 20 years goes sober kids. I found a way to fucking kill myself legally!

    I'm back in office now and just chillin' the rest of the day. My wife is going to flip when I tell her tonight. Another girl at work thinks I should get a second opinion too.

    Wow what a week! And I still have Trump to look forward to... :(

    • get a second opinion. totally sounds stroke-like,Gnash
    • holy shit, glad it wasn't something more serious!scarabin
    • I drink double that amount of coffee and have not had that reaction.Gnash
    • I will. I know wtf.HijoDMaite
    • I got down to the manager part and was already thinking of acute anxiety being set off by something. Boatloads of caffeine will do it, hombre!BuddhaHat
    • lol gnash you serious?HijoDMaite
    • it's good that none of his tests showed anything but still. don't play loose with your brainGnash
    • I hit the caffeine hard before Xmas and then took 2 solid days off it, and had excruciating headaches. Watch out for them, or ease of slowly!BuddhaHat
    • i've been dealing with anxiety for 5 years. can't even drive on freeway at night bro. On a small dose of celexa and it's gotten better.HijoDMaite
    • off*BuddhaHat
    • yup. I'm drink coffee all day. last cup before bed. no sugar though.Gnash
    • Getting old is weird. Gotta manage our bodies better now more than ever. Hope you feel better.capn_ron
    • I was rerading this really fast and then when you wrote coffee i slowed down...damn...oey
    • I reduced my intake of coffee to two small cups a day. but I'm not doing much work. i would also get a second opinion.oey
    • very freaky in some weird movie. hope you're doing better now and that it was only the coffee, nothing else.oey
    • I need some Yoga.HijoDMaite
    • get that checked out, man. the problem is, if it was a stroke, you're already past any point of treatment. ...detritus
    • ... I only say this because i happened to listen to a podcast about strokes last night, exciting little man that i am.detritus
    • i'm sure you're fine. you've used plenty of the letter e < here.
      But still.
    • transient ischemic attack
    • get a second opinion. don't fuck aroundGnash
    • I'm going to drink one 16 oz cup per day so I don't get the gnarly headaches.HijoDMaite
    • and quit smokiingGnash
    • I drink about 473ml max a day if i do drink at all. Don't really drink coffee if i don't have to stay awake.pango
    • can you write something and post it here? preferably not your name.pango
    • uff that link Gnash..HijoDMaite
    • serious dude. all may be well but i'm not buying the coffee ODGnash
    • http://coffeeandheal…Gnash
    • quit smoking. lose the sugar. drink 2l water/day. no pop or soda. walk like your late.Gnash
    • you're*Gnash
    • and get a 2nd opinionGnash
    • explain it just like you have here, bring your writing if you still have itGnash
    • I do get especially jittery if i drink more than 4 shots of espresso.pango
    • http://vignette1.wik…pango
    • Maybe time to switch to green tea?SteveJobs
    • check out the post above i posted the writing samplesHijoDMaite
    • I OD'd on cold brew (which has WAY more caffeine than a regular cup). Panic attacks, headaches, the works. Plus iced tea. Quit cold turkey. Decaf for me now.CincodeMayo
    •… lyrics. something to think aboutdeathboy
    • damn. i can relate to those lyrics. thanks deathboyHijoDMaite
    • no problem i had a panic attack a few years ago. seems like when u get a good one it likes to linger in the corners of your minddeathboy
    • if that's the case.. personally this song helps keep me cool calm pete at times that beast feels like eh might be around. like flyingdeathboy
    • seriously m8, cut the Coke... this is poison... Do something nowBennn
    • I know all about panic attacks. my anxiety exasperates any symptoms I might have. It's an on going cycle if you don't learn to control it. Caffeine can screw usea_sea
    • Do you get enough sleep? I am not a doctor, but I know that sleep and some easy walking is better than lots of medicine.Longcopylover
    • wow, people are dumb. It never occurred to you that you were drinking too much coffee?fruitsalad
    • Good advise from everyone. Also try not to booze for a while. I quit like 2 years ago (for now) my panic attacks disappeared & lotsa other shitty stuff as wellsureshot
    • fruitsalad now that I look back you're right it's a big duh, but when i don't have issues sleeping I didn't think about it.HijoDMaite
    • well, it's good to finally be aware of it all. Actually I'd be more concerned about the Diet Coke than the coffee's. That stuff is artificial poision.fruitsalad
    • ^ yupGnash

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