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Out of context: Reply #3020

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  • imbecile16

    can we just be done with drake now?

    skirting warnings, intentionally pushing boundaries like a child...……

    • heheh, tbf - you can't COMPLETELY ignore outside reality in random threads, even if it does happen to be vaguely politically-oriented...detritus
    • but fuck all the other BS politcs stuff here - the last few days have been great. So much oh- god why-bother- shutyourmouth beforehand.detritus
    • Post belligerent or vulgar things at your own risk.detritus
    • honestly guys, the complaining is 100 times more annoying.Gnash
    • +1 Gnashoey
    • it's a .gifoey
    • or jifoey
    • Drake: Explain to everyone how freedom of speech exists on message board. This should be interesting.Moderator
    • ^
    • fucking drakeutopian
    • plenty of opinions on both sides here without your shit spread everywhere. you're the one making it a left/right thing, no one elseimbecile
    • Drake: That is quite the big reveal of your intelligence, or lack thereof. Not going to explain further, it's clearly over your head.Moderator
    • If anything, there's a lack of messaging upon signup telling trolls like you that those who run this site have the right to moderate content,Moderator
    • and to remove content as needed, and that you basically check your "free speech" at the door when you sign up for any message board.Moderator
    • Good time perhaps to ask, why do you come here at all?Moderator
    • 'QBN supports free speech, however, as a private website we do moderate discussion to preserve the quality of our content as we see fit.'Continuity
    • free speech isn't protected within any private enterprise, private property or private group. any right-winger like you should know thatsarahfailin
    • The whining most def. is far more annoying than the trolling.PonyBoy
    • and yet one single bloody looser can upset an entire community.sted
    • And Alexander if you are that intelligent educated person as you say. Why aren't these things make you think about your life and your behavior?sted
    • Because you know there is not a single person here who would stand behind you and say that you're cool...sted
    • I'm confused as to why you want to be here at all when you literally seem to hate every single person on the site.monospaced
    • dont let the red brown shirt mob destroy your passions drake.yurimon
    • lol what passion is that?pango
    • Why is everyone persecuting poor oldé von drake cum cloth? He be innocent!utopian
    • guys, yuri and drake are far more intelligent and wise than any us. we're lucky to have them here.inteliboy
    • yurimon/drake talking to himself again. Haha!chukkaphob
    • You guys do realize you're trying to reason with a person that most likely has mental or emotional issues right? Asperger maybe??? Sociopath maybe???sofakingback
    • all political threads (which are now deleted) were fueled by as much as regular members. If noone wanted them , there would be no issuedrgs
    • The irony, of course, being that the *real* source of discontent (the trolls) has come back on the top of the front page again after a few days of silence.Continuity
    • I'm ok with this. At least not every single posts.pango
    • it's a sad day when even the mods engage in name calling. +gnash, you guys here in the comments are feeding the flames and loving itterry_cloth
    • Everything was fine when your point of view was dominant in threads like religion, politics, etc. ones there was some ideological pushback, feels were hurtyurimon
    • Oooooooor, people here simply don't like condescending trolls who can't string a coherent thought into something readable. There's a thought.Continuity
    • lols, haha's, prevailed in masturbatory fashion as usual and sometimes became front page. all of a sudden lets ban, delete, etc. amazed at the hypocrisyyurimon
    • same people who complain of the childishness of posting apposing views cant engage in deep conversation or debate, yet let mock the intelligence of users weyurimon
    • dont like, dismiss any relevance no matter what is posted. bravo my morally debaucherous friends. bravo.yurimon
    • Is that what you want? Is that why you come to this site? "Deep conversation" because you're so deep? And you contribute deep conversation? Thats you?sofakingback
    • its funny how ignorant, or biased liberal propaganda is not trolling or condescending but warm comfort food for the intellect of some. but pressure on youryurimon
    • point of view, that you wish not to prove up is condescending.yurimon
    • conversation involves more than one person. the possibility exists in contributing input. the other person engaging is as much responsible as the personyurimon
    • waiting for a response. grow up.yurimon
    • Hear that, fellas? The Great Wise Yurimon has told us all to grow. Crack on with it, yeah?Continuity
    • Grow up even. I'm laughing so hard, I can hardly type straight.Continuity
    • I'll say this about yurimon... He's deep.sofakingback
    • Knee deep...sofakingback
    • In his own bullshit.sofakingback
    • lol, ironic that the alleged focus on me is more about you it seems.yurimon
    • You absolutely love the attention don't youset
    • It's literally every day you do thisset
    • condescending yurimon is condescending and in complete denialmonospaced
    • i dont see how its condescending the moderator said a similar thing in a previous post.yurimon
    • you don't see how you are giving off the impression that you are somehow better than everyone? please, it's your sole aim in your pathetic lifemonospaced
    • you just call everyone ignorant, biased, liberal (as if an insult?), and tell them constantly that they aren't conversing to your level... that's condescending!monospaced
    • all the while whining about how nobody can deal with a differeng point of view, which is so goddamn hypocritical it's not even funnymonospaced
    • it would be an insult mono if it wasnt true. next. plus its most of you who have feelings hurt and need spaces. seems i tend to attract those with a more frailyurimon
    • ego. oh you think you are better then us. what kind of response is that but a emotional childs. you cant even digest certain types of jokes, sarcasm, etc.yurimon
    • i think i made a fair statement prior. i'm sorry that most of you didnt take the moderators advice and start a feels fight. lets make qbn great again.yurimon
    • Do you EVER shut up?Continuity
    • do you ever make a good argument not based on your biased cuntiness?yurimon
    • you're STILL condescending, dude... you just said I have feelings hurt and need safe space, and put my ego into question... that's ALL condescending as fuCk!monospaced
    • everyone here is telling you you're being a prick, and your only response is to be defensive and keep up the same schtick, day after fucking daymonospaced
    • you're either really stupid, really narcissistic, really deluded, or just a world-class trolling champion with nothing better to do than shit all over this sitemonospaced
    • He's all of the above: stupid, narcissistic and deluded. I've met more sympathetic pigeons.Continuity
    • Drake and Yuri are total fuds, but calling for a ban for the shite they say on the internet is kinda silly. Just show some restraint and leave them alone.face_melter
    • yeah nothing condescending there. you miss the points of certain discussions and go strait for a personal attack.yurimon
    • deal with your own insecurities please. it seem pretty obvious by now when you cant stick to the actual content of a discussion. tell how condescending this isyurimon
    • It's not based on what they say; it's how they say it, treat others in the saying of it,and don't stop when told repeatedly noone is interested. Big difference.Continuity
    • @fadein, I didn't call for any ban, for the recordmonospaced
    • @yuri, that's all you're doing... you always resort to condescension when anyone disagrees with you... it's getting old, just like drake-von-shitstickmonospaced
    • not really. i made appoint about how discussions are made as an observation. you want to get defensive, like you are being attacked on every word. be my guest.yurimon
    • so far everything i say is taken as butt hurt retaliation no matter what it is for the most part. no focus on content. imagine a blackguy talking and all youyurimon
    • comment on is he is black and avoiding the content of what he is saying. thats what you guys are doing here. tell me how unbiased you are and far from hypocricyyurimon
    • Now, I want you to pay attention for a change, Yurimon. I know it's hard, but you need to try: no-one gives a flying fuck about the contents of your posts.Continuity
    • then stfu. live you ignorant life. pretend you are the bomb, that every new phone update is an improvement. how superior you are, and that you hold the truthyurimon
    • without exploration of the contradictions most people live their lives by. move on. dont post to me. easy right?yurimon
    • yurimon, that description you just typed is exactly how you are viewed, sadly, you're too ignorant to realize itimbecile
    • and fucking lol at all these notes, you narcissistic ninnyimbecile
    • So you're doing this for us? Because we don't know... what you know? You're saving us from... updating our phones? This is all too deep. so deep.sofakingback
    • nope. but please try again. you perceive me as that but i dont take myself as seriously as you guys take your hypocritical points of view seriously.yurimon
    • take some responsibility. i am going to stop posting in this thread, let me see if you can stop.yurimon
    • and sof its a metaphor. you know what it means. if not im sorry. move on.yurimon
    • If I were to sum you up from everything Ive seen you post I would use this quote: "But mom why don't they understand me?!?!?!?!" Thats what you sound like to mesofakingback
    • I know what you mean.. I haven't updated my phone in months mothafukka! soo... *wink*wink*sofakingback
    • not really i made some good points. your option to avoid them and or take it personal. i dont care. its practice for dealing with millennials for the futureyurimon

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