Shooting of the Day

Out of context: Reply #1474

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  • ernexbcn13

    gilgamush we don't glee over tragedies so don't go around asking us to top criticising or calling us simpletons. Also, you might as well stop justifying the unjustifiable and jump like a spider like we are taking your beautiful guns away.

    I'm just glad I live in a country where I don't need to posses a gun to feel safe.

    • I feel entitled to speak about the US gun problem because I have a sister there plus 2 nephews born thereernexbcn
    • I too live in a country where I don't need to posses a gun to feel safe... The United States.imbecile
    • Oh for fucks sake. You people are a broken record. My rights are not in danger because a hand full of artists think guns are inherently bad. Guns aren't going agilgamush
    • Anywhere and I certainly don't feel threatened by how you folks feel so stop puffing up your chest.gilgamush
    • And if somebody posts a mass murder and you come on and comment something like " how's that freedom tasting America" then yes you are enjoying it, and you are agilgamush
    • Sick puppygilgamush
    • yeah i read those comments its pretty tasteless.yurimon

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