Wake Up Sheeple!

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • hotroddy-1

    Lol at corporate slavery.

    The basic principles of free market is that YOU the consumer/ individual is free to do anything. If it doesn't work for you it's because you are not skilled nor intelligent to capitalize on system.

    Does it have it's flaws? Sure.. but it's the best idealogical and political system to live in.

    Laissez faire bitches.

    • there's a big flaw in your rant, the individual is not free to do anything, you are basically just free to do as told, exit that path and see how free you areGeorgesII
    • I have to agree with GII. you are free to the extent the parameters allow. but at a time when your rights are stomped you have more sexual independence.yurimon
    • there are little things that help create some illusion of a great freedom.yurimon
    • http://ecx.images-am…yurimon
    • who is telling you to do that you are told? Try living in a totalitarian state (theocratic or communistic) and see how much freedom you have.hotroddy
    • ever played monopoly?Milan
    • monopoly is a problem. I agree. But that's why you have anti-trust.hotroddy
    • I would like to be bought out by a monopoly - but fortunately Most business are small and independent.hotroddy
    • its bit more scientific and subtle then the in your face idea. I would say the servants took over the mansion as the metaphor if dealin with the us,yurimon
    • I dont think anti trust works that much. if you look at standard oil. it was just broken into parts still owned by the same person.yurimon
    • Lulz at you guys arguing about the free market vs central planning as if those things even exist in practice.nb
    • they all exist in practice.hotroddy
    • All at the same time, every time.nb
    • What I mean is, every economy is a mixed economy, and always has been.nb
    • NB popping soap bubbles out here. Yea the US is run like a corporation. Laissez faire for the little guy. Get some real money and you can run the country to refgilgamush
    • Reflect your private interest. At which point the strongest competitor and or best product means didly squat. Only who has the most money/backinggilgamush
    • that's basically every culture in historyscarabin
    • scar is prob right. just a question of people maybe putting up with or participation.yurimon
    • You are forgetting one key element - debt. Capitalism is now built on debt, from the top to the bottom and at an individual level this is where freedom isfadein11
    • removed from the equation.fadein11

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