Apple Music

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • jtb261

    So let's talk about this in detail. Here are my complaints:

    The on boarding was pointless. They brought this into the fold from Beats Music and it's an interesting concept that's poorly executed. The options are all pre-seeded and they're probably ok for a lot of people, but if your tastes are specific it blows. And this is what Apple is claiming they can do best.

    They're using worthless software to determine your tastes. What this should be driven by is search, and a ranking algorithm that let's you confirm what it turns up. They literally have an index of your music on the phone already in many cases that comes complete with play counts and genre. They can discern very quickly which genres you like and which artists you listen too. Use that data to seed the music selection of the on boarding bubbles and let me correct your softwares assumptions about my taste. IMO this would lead to much better recommendations off the bat. They're already using search to match my supplied data against their lists. It'd be so much better if the initial input was stronger. Then there's this:

    Connect is a big let down. If Apple tried they could make something that's as appealing as MTV was in the 80's and captures our attention the way Facebook does. But it won't, because the presentation layer is weak and the tools for artist to post are non-existent. Here is the interface by which artists are able to post to connect:

    In general it's a lot of stuff that looks like this:

    and it's pretty shit. I've found dozens of really bad layout and interaction flaws hidden deep in the app that make me feel like this wasn't well thought out at all.

    If Apple was serious about this they'd have built something as powerful as YouTube for artists to use. Instead we get another weak stab at social media from Apple.

    Ultimately it seems like they don't care about making great software anymore rather it feels like they care about selling devices, and this was just another feature requirement to edge out Samsung.

    • Here's the last thing I think the app gets really wrong.

      In lui of a better way of determining taste the UI shouldn't be so focused on programming what I lik
    • e, or showing me options. It should be asking me what I want to listen too. And letting me shape the experience I want.jtb26
    • hahaha at the photoMiguex
    • Nice write up bubba. I totally agree with you. They will get the kinks out. I hate not being able to search by records labels.dibec
    • It looks like it pulled in my iTunes preferences a little in the form of artists I'm "following." Not sure if that's informing content though.monospaced
    • support for Sonos is for the end of the year, so i'll waitlajj
    • I get annoyed that we can't search through record labels too dibec. I thought that would be the best way of finding/supporting new artists?Ianbolton
    • Ha! This post making it to the front page crashed my CloudApp account.jtb26
    • I might have to kill the images :(jtb26

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