why is this not true?

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • nb35

    Yurimon, we're not criticizing the subject matter, we're ignoring it. We're criticizing people like you who won't shut up about it.

    You think you're smarter than everyone and call everyone sheep because you saw some videos and websites that draw conclusions based on a misrepresented quotes and half-true facts from all over the place. This false information feeds your fear, while your narcissistic tendencies help you to assume that there must be some evil thing going on behind the scenes and that you have uncovered some secret truth.

    It's not new, it's boring. You're boring everyone.

    You can't just say "There are boogeymen! And they're trying to control and destroy you! If they don't exist, prove me wrong with facts!" Arguments don't work that way. You don't get to claim nonsense and demand facts from everyone else. It's an old trick used by people who can't make a good argument, and we all see right through it. That's why we don't watch your stupid videos.

    Learn to think for yourself. Read books and be critical of things. Take a journalistic attitude. Be skeptical of sources. But instead of jumping to the most outrageous conclusions, try looking for the simple answer, it's often right there in front of you.

    When you find yourself presented with information, you need to be critical of it. Ask yourself, "Is this really possible? Could this actually be happening? Or is it more likely that my own insecurities are driving me towards believing something. Is it perhaps that I want there to be some grand explanation, so I'm finding it in places that don't exist?"

    You claim that you're smart and thinking critically, but you're just spouting nonsense that we've all heard before and that's why no one cares.

    Or maybe you're just a troll. I don't know.

    • How's the weather up there in that tower nb?Morning_star
    • Thanks for the great wall of text of assumptions and ignorance. but thats not what i asked for. thanks for posting anyway.yurimon
    • I dont understand why its so hard to ask for opposing views with some reference or addition of historical context that disproves something.yurimon
    • especially its a subject that seems to be looked down upon as by many and dismissed with certainty. just saying something is made up without proof isyurimon
    • Not logical. like dismissing something without also is it logical. Why is it that in the conspiracy field there is more historical proof then disproof?yurimon
    • All i see is for some is the being called names and when you ask why and can you prove me other wise, people go ape shit. fuckin crazy phenomenon.yurimon
    • we've told you at length why you can't expect us to do it. try rereading the thread.scarabin
    • but thanks for posting.scarabin
    • What interesting subject? The video? Still nobody watched it LOL thx for posting.pango
    • Obviously you have no answers for me but thanx for posting.yurimon
    • nice try to attempt to change the subject.yurimon
    • front page again.yurimon
    • your answers are all over the page, guy. you've just got your head so far up your ass you can't see them.scarabin
    • thanks for postingscarabin
    • nb. what a post! if I could upvote it more i would.kona
    • sorry bro, you're just being demeaning. pretty lame attempt. i always saw you as bit more logical but thanks for posting.yurimon
    • Why are you speaking for everyone, nb?set
    • Dude, you're asking people to debunk the fucking Illuminati Theory. The most dumb of dumb theories. It seemed plausible when I was about 11 years old. Yawn.nb
    • I speak for the upvoters!nb
    • Still waiting for Yuri to debunk salad=illuminati theory.pango
    • Lol, doesn't really look promising nb. emotional response dont mean much. what you said wasnt well written or true.yurimon
    • Love you yurimon (and everyone else) but the one thing you're in no position to do is criticise posts for not being well written hahaset
    • You are Mr not well writtenset
    • i only check my grammar when i write novels or business correspondence.yurimon
    • proof of the irrationality of the voting system haha http://www.qbn.com/r…yurimon
    • Pinkfloyd is cool. We're just messing with him.pango
    • sureyurimon
    • you write novels...monospaced
    • Yurimon: "Thanks for the great wall of text, but here, watch this 2.5hr video"Nathan_Adams
    • nb - new patronising champion of QBN 2015fadein11
    • a collective iq score of all of qbn?yurimon
    • They all love you yurimonset
    • lol, yeah right haha,yurimon
    • where the party? i just wanna stick my dick in the mash potatoes!necromation
    • I really have a record for most posts front page from my thread.yurimon
    • No you don't. Pic of the day does.HueyGnash
    • truyurimon

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