
Out of context: Reply #79

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  • yurimon0

    This was part of religion.…

    • Sounds more like math to meukit2
    • Part of Hinduism in form of sutras...yurimon
    • what Hindu scientific method created vedic math thousands of years ago?yurimon
    • People did. Using their brains. It's not hard to grasp.monospaced
    • they used meditation etc. introspectively, not by scientific method thoughyurimon
    • So what? Math is just truth. It's not a belief system just because the Hindus used it.monospaced
    • It's not like it came to them through a fucking supernatural god or some stupid shit like that. Those were some smart guys.monospaced
    • Hindu believe god of creation having a dream etc. so go figure. sound pretty supa natural to me.yurimon
    • and modern science will dispute introspective observation as bolonie not science.yurimon
    • It superstitious at best. I bet they felt special figuring out advanced mathematics. Still doesn't mean it's supernatural.monospaced
    • yurimon why don't you go meditate and come up with a cure for cancer then...ukit2
    • drugskingsteven
    • since that works so well...ukit2
    • I don't see anything related to vedic maths that are remotely supernatural in their origin.hereswhatidid
    • its part of Hinduism dawg. a religion.yurimon
    • the natives medicine men say the plants told them the cures and some of them work..yurimon
    • and? does that make it magic or supernatural? not at allhereswhatidid
    • medicine men are just the lucky ones that happened to eat the non-poisonous plantshereswhatidid
    • the others were too dead to be successful at practicinghereswhatidid

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