Anti gay ads on LND buses!

Out of context: Reply #33

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  • eighteen0

    theres another thing you're all missig that has nothing to do with freedom of speech, its called compassion and its about everyone's right to live their life the way they want and not be challenged by advertisements from the dark ages, ESPECIALLY for gay people who are challenged constantly and deal with a type of oppression that is way more accepted than racism or sexism.

    • you probably never experienced the two things you are citing or you wouldn't want to ban themGeorgesII
    • racism and sexism will not go away by hiding it and not talking about it, the world doesn't work like thatGeorgesII
    • There's a difference between a real discussion and and advertisement, you cant talk back to an adeighteen
    • but it makes people talk,
      in negative or positive, the goal of an ad is to create a reaction
    • i think more often than not a gay person looking at this ad would feel isolated and might not even have anyone to talk to about iteighteen

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