
Out of context: Reply #7

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  • FawnDog0

    I would like to vent...
    My dog was suffering from this mystery lesion on her paw. It turned a very athletic dog into a limping couch potato. My vet couldn't figure it out, so we saw a dermatologist who biopsied the paw pad, took blood and a urinalysis, all those test and they couldn't figure it out. We started seeing an internal medicine specialist who ran more blood work, this time shipping it to a lab in Tennessee, we had the paw pad ultra sounded, we put her on multiple drugs including prednison, cylclosporin, multiple antibiotics, tacrolymous cream, Tramadol for pain and later methadone, the list goes on and on. After spending close to 12,000.00 for help we had to put her down on sunday because all these expensive vets could not help her.
    thanks...I feel better now

    • Oh my! So sorry to hear.bulletfactory
    • can I have the rest of the dogs methadone?spot13
    • I'm sorry for your loss, I had a Springer Spaniel we put a pace maker in only to have him pass a month later from complicationsspot13
    • ...complicationsspot13
    • sorry about your dog.ebertzjaw
    • Damn. Sorry to read what you've gone through.webazoot

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