Marines peeing on Taliban

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • handle0

    I dont in any way say that this is becoming of a Marine and definitely not something to grandstand with, but it's easy to make a quick judgement and say that these guys are fucked up American soldiers and they should be reprimanded etc... and walk away without trying to figure out why this happens because it does happen, and I'm sure it has happened a lot more times without cameras around to record it; in this war and many wars before it.

    This is a behavior that happens when a perfectly good person has to do and experience extreme situations and has to find a way to deal. None of you can say how you would behave if you had to deal with the same shit. Strange behaviors show up in all areas in which people have to deal with death.

    Just stop and think if you had to deal with the stresses of almost meeting your mortality, killing of another human being, watching your buddy die, etc.

    • Ida be poopin! Hopefully not the gravy typefyoucher1

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